Looking for insurance assistance and savings? You're in the right spot! We offer comprehensive help to meet your insurance needs while saving money.
FGA Members can utilize the Association's purchasing influence via our Insurance, Benefits, and Risk Management Solutions program. Through our Partner Organization, Gilroy Kernan & Gilroy (GKG), a prominent insurance provider, a comprehensive range of insurance and financial products tailored to our industry is offered. GKG adopts a strategic risk management approach for members, ensuring a thorough grasp of their risk profiles and effective mitigation strategies.
Speak with one of our insurance experts right away for help getting a quote, buying a policy, or answering any questions you may have.
Everyone needs effective and affordable health insurance. GKG will do the analysis to figure out what plan is the best deal for you!
Cyber liability insurance to cover financial losses resulting from data breaches and other cybercrimes that may compromise sensitive company information.
A Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) is a retirement plan for businesses that have a common interest but are not commonly affiliated (such as members of PGCA).
A Multiple Employer Plan (MEP) is a retirement plan for businesses that typically have a common interest but are not commonly owned or affiliated (such as members of the Florida Graphics Alliance).
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(315) 624-2969
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(315) 624-2964