Entry Rules & Procedures

The FPA is open exclusively to graphics communications companies in the state of Florida.

The company entering the piece must have performed at least 50% of the printing and sold the job, or created the design, or performed special treatment or bindery.

Entries must have been produced between April 1, 2024, and April 1, 2025, to be eligible.

You may submit as many entries as you like; however, no more than ten (10) pieces in any one category. Please fill out the entry form electronically and print it out or print out the blank form and fill it out manually.  A form is required with each entry. 

Please note that you will still need to affix the entry stubs onto the back of your pieces.

An individual piece may be entered into only one category. However, segments of an individual piece may be entered in other categories that apply (i.e., a book may be entered under “Books” and its cover under “Covers.”)

Submit three (3) copies of each piece entered in each category. Winners may be asked to submit an additional copy for display upon notification of winner status. (Entries that are not submitted in triplicate will be judged, but may be omitted from the display at the Florida Print Awards Banquet. Furthermore, if the entry wins a Best of Category or a trophy, it might not be submitted for consideration in the Premier Print Awards if three copies are not submitted.)

Please do not mount entries, cellophane entries, or use stickers that identify your company on the entries.

The Florida Graphics Alliance reserves the right to reject and disqualify any entry that, in its judgment, is vulgar, offensive, or not suitable for consideration or exhibit.


New for 2024:  Your first entry is completely free!

Every FGA member company is urged to submit at least one entry.

Non-Member Fees: $50 Pre-Entry


1. Detach the numbered stub from the bottom of the entry card and affix it onto the back of each piece in the bottom right corner. (Please remember that 3 copies of each piece entered are requested.) Please do not affix the stub to the front of the entry.

2. Determine which category to enter (the entry should meet all requirements for this category). Complete the official entry card clearly and legibly with the category number (and letter when applicable). Your entries will be judged against ones submitted by companies of similar size.

DIVISION I 1-20 employees
DIVISION II 21-65 employees
DIVISION III   66+ employees

3. Calculate Entry Fees and submit check or credit card information, along with the entry piece(s) to FGA’s office: 10524 Moss Park Road, Suite 204, PMB 334, Orlando, FL 32832

Please note that entries that fail to meet all requirements for a particular category are subject to reclassification or disqualification at the discretion of the judges and the FGA Board of Directors.

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